Iconic Elk Antler Arches in Jackson, WY

elk arches in jackson Hole

The elk antler arches on the town square of Jackson, WY are one of the most iconic structures associated with the American West.The southwest corner of the town square was the 1st to get its arch in 1953. Funded by the local Rotary Club, additional arches were added between 1966 and 1969.

As these are real elk antlers, they naturally decompose over time and are replaced about every 30-40 years.

Elk Arch Sign in Jackson Hole, WY
Jackson Hole sign in winter
Famous elk arch in Jackson hole WY at Night with Christmas lights

Elk Antler Arches of Jackson Hole

Unveiling the Charm

  • A Touch of Western Glory: The elk antler arches that grace the town square of Jackson, WY, stand as enduring symbols of the American West, captivating visitors with their unique allure.

  • A Historical Dance: It all started in 1953 when the first arch claimed its place on the southwest corner of the town square. Thanks to the local Rotary Club’s funding, additional arches gracefully joined the landscape between 1966 and 1969.

  • Nature’s Cycle: Crafted from real elk antlers, these structures naturally undergo the circle of life, gradually decomposing over 30 to 40 years. Their faithful replacements keep the spirit alive for generations to come.

  • Artistry in Every Detail: Arch construction is no ordinary feat. Workers intricately weave around 20-pound antlers into a sturdy steel frame. To deter mischief and add robustness, screws are employed, creating a majestic stronghold. Surprisingly, each arch boasts up to a whopping 12,000 pounds of antlers, some proudly donated by the Jackson Hole Boy Scout Troop, while others are collected from regional enthusiasts across the mountain west.

Arches are but by workers who weave each antler (weighing about 20 pounds each) into a steel frame and then screw the antlers down to provide extra support and prevent theft. Each arch contains up to 12,000 ponds of antlers,
some of which come from the Jackson Hole Boy Scout Troop. The remainder are purchased from regional collectors/dealers throughout the mountain west.

Get more information on elk and other wildlife in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem from Teton Wild.

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